正规赌博十大网站 History

The Coffman Building
The Coffman Building

Rochester Community and Technical College (正规赌博十大网站) is the oldest public two-year college in Minnesota. The junior college was created on a motion by Dr. Charles Mayo in 1915 and classes were offered downtown in the Coffman Building. The College moved to its current campus during the summer of 1968. A year later the vocational-technical institute was created with 15 program offerings. Rochester Community and Technical College was established on July 1, 1996年,立法要求位于同一城市的州立社区学院和技术学院合并为一个统一的学院.

Letter from 1915Rochester Community and Technical College is a member of the Minnesota State system, 它由30所两年制学院和7所州立大学组成,服务于明尼苏达州的高等教育需求 Board of Trustees. 明尼苏达州立大学(明尼苏达州的一个机构)致力于在技术和学术领域为学生提供广泛的终身教育机会, ranging from short-course certificates to doctoral degrees. Minnesota State’s 54 campuses 全州47个社区为学生提供了实现目标的大量机会.

Located in Minnesota’s third-largest and fastest-growing city, 正规赌博十大网站占地518英亩的校园是该地区教育和劳动力发展需求的中心. Our mission is to empower students to thrive in an ever-changing, diverse society by providing access to exceptional education, and our vision is to be a universal gateway to world-class learning opportunities.

The college enrolls approximately 7,000 students annually in credit-based programs. Another 3,000 are served in noncredit and credit-based workforce initiatives. The College is home to nearly 600 full-time and part-time employees including faculty, staff, and administration.

罗切斯特社区和技术学院提供70个学分为基础的课程,在文科领域有130多个证书选择, allied health, business, services, and technical career pathways. 学院最大的专业包括文科、护理、联合健康和商业. A variety of delivery approaches are utilized to support student learning. These include face-to-face, online, internships, on-the-job training, clinical, cohort, and interactive television. 正规赌博十大网站是明尼苏达州系统中最大的在线学习学分的产生者之一,目前占销售学分的近19%. 各种教育合作伙伴关系也到位,为我们的学生提供学习机会. 其中包括与其他高等教育机构的各种衔接协议,以及与梅奥诊所健康科学学院的附属项目. In addition, 希望完成四年制学位的学生可以先在十大赌博正规平台在线学习两年,获得副学士学位,然后转学完成学士学位. 该学院与罗彻斯特威诺纳州立大学合作,建立了“通往紫色之路”项目,允许学生在正规赌博十大网站完成前两年的学习,获得副学士学位,然后在WSU完成最后两年的学习,获得学士学位.

除了教育项目,正规赌博十大网站还提供全面的学生生活项目. These opportunities include social activities, speakers, varsity athletics, intramural sports, honor societies, and music, to name a few.

Rochester Community and Technical College Campus (Main Campus Buildings)

Newspaper ad in the Rochester Post-Bulletin for the 1st Stage of the $10 million College
1968年,当学院搬到城市以东约一英里的森林山坡上时,四栋建筑已经准备好使用了. The structures included Goddard Library and classroom buildings; Endicott Hall for technology and business classes; the Charles Singley building, housing all chemistry, biology, and physics labs, as well as lecture halls; and the Administration building, which then held administrative offices and the college bookstore.  The next additions to the campus were Rockenbach, a gymnasium/physical education complex, and Plaza West, which now contains faculty offices, numerous classrooms, the student newspaper office, and a 200-seat lecture hall.


校园继续增长,又增加了三个标志着下一阶段的建设. A student services building housing the administrative offices, the counseling center, and a health service area was first. The art building came next, representing one of the most outstanding studio facilities of its kind in the upper Midwest; an immense north window in the structure provides proper lighting to three floors of studios. The Plaza East building completed this segment of construction. It provides a versatile nursing lab and staff offices. The next two major projects were the College Center and theater.  作为学生会,这个中心的名字很贴切,因为它是这里学生生活的中心. The college theater is one of the finest such facilities in southeastern Minnesota. It seats 350 persons and contains advanced electronic and sound systems, as well as a complete scene-making shop and dressing rooms. In 1987, it was named Hill Theater in honor of retired RCC President Charles E. Hill, who served the college from 1953 to 1982.


正规赌博十大网站's Bubble Over the Rochester Regional Stadium
The Bubble

1986年秋,威诺纳州立大学的罗彻斯特中心在校园里建起了一座教学楼,最初的费用是2美元.9 million. The Plaza West building was renamed Memorial Hall in 1988. Plaques and portraits are placed in this building to honor former college staff.  随着一项耗资1600万美元的建设工程的完成,校园在1989年底进一步发展. The project included remodeling of the library, the administrative building, and the lower level of the Goddard Building, which housed the business office, bookstore, Student Support Services Program, and the duplicating services area. 新建筑包括一个继续教育区,设有宽敞的会议室和最先进的设备, and a separate building to house the childcare center.  Construction was completed in 1993 on the $17 million expansion facilities, which houses student services areas, classrooms, computer and science labs, as well as a number of interactive television classrooms.   With the completion of the new facilities, 明尼苏达大学罗彻斯特分校加入了正规赌博十大网站和华盛顿州立大学罗彻斯特分校.  明尼苏达大学后来在2007年秋天搬迁到自己的市中心设施.  罗切斯特体育中心设施(正规赌博十大网站和罗切斯特市之间的合作努力)于2002年5月开放, and the Technology Center remodeling was also completed in 2002.  In 2007 the former Rockenbach Gymnasium was renovated into the Health Science Center, a state-of-the-art facility housing the allied health programs for both 正规赌博十大网站 and WSU-R.  The latest athletic campus development includes the Rochester Regional Stadium, 其中包括一个人造草皮冬季圆顶设施,使其全年可用.  该体育场最初于2008年开放,但在2015年进行了扩建,增加了可容纳5人的座位,000 spectators.

In May 2018, 明尼苏达州立法机构批准了一项担保法案,其中包括2300万美元用于广场纪念馆项目.  This project would include demolishing the old Plaza and Memorial Halls, constructing a new building attached to Endicott Hall and Coffman Center, and renovating numerous Main Campus spaces.  The project began in December of 2018 and was completed in August 2020.

2021年秋季,正规赌博十大网站校园迎来了新的合作伙伴关系和70名新的高中生 PTECH-535 collaboration.  PTECH是一个面向高中学生的职业教育路径项目,专注于需求领域.  Students enrolled in PTECH-535 will earn high school and college credits, 并将获得信息技术或实用护理专业的大学学位.  The RPS/正规赌博十大网站 PTECH school is the first one in Minnesota.

正规赌博十大网站 Heintz Center (West Campus Buildings)

Heintz Center of Rochester Community and Technical College's Campus The original buildings located at the Heintz Center were completed in 1969.  Additions were made in 1976, 1978, and 1979, which doubled the size of the cafeteria, added classrooms, and expanded shops for the technical programs.  园艺技术中心于2002年添加到现有建筑中,在园艺设施中提供学术和社区资源.  Intercampus roads were also completed in 2002, connecting 正规赌博十大网站 east buildings and 正规赌博十大网站 west buildings (the Heintz Center), and included the first roundabouts in Minnesota.  5月9日,前明尼苏达河地技术学院罗彻斯特校区的设施被命名为海因茨中心, 1997. The building was named after Dr. Emil Heintz,罗切斯特地区职业技术学院的创始人和首任主任. Dr. Heintz served as Director from 1966 to 1973. Dr. 1938年至1944年,海因茨担任布雷纳德初级学院院长(首席执行官),1944年至1966年担任罗切斯特初级学院院长. Heintz Center is located at 1926 College View Road.  Most recently, 海因茨中心进行了额外的扩建,新增的劳动力中心/CareerForce于2014年秋季开放, and the CTECH/STEM Village building, also funded through local sales tax funding, opened in August of 2016.

The 正规赌博十大网站 Heintz Center is located at 1926 College View Road.

Name Changes Through the Years

Community College:

  • University Department (1915)
  • Rochester Junior College (1917)
  • Rochester State Junior College (1964)
  • Rochester Community College (1973)

Technical College:

  • Rochester Area Vocational Institute (1969)
  • Rochester Area Vocational Technical Institute (1974)
  • Rochester Technical Institute (1997)
  • Rochester Technical College (1989)
  • Minnesota Riverland Technical College (1991)

Merged Community and Technical College:

  • Rochester Community and Technical College (1996)